Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Church Canoe Trip

Perhaps it is the frequent change of scenery and sleeping arrangements that has my dreams slipping through my fingers shortly after waking.  Or perhaps it is because I am so eager to hold onto my dreams that I suddenly find myself unable to recall their content.  Last night's dream, however, I was able to recall.

It began with me seated in a canoe in a body of water bordered on all sides with brickwork.  The bay area held many canoes occupied by persons from my church.  Backpacks and people were loaded into canoes as the group of us was to head off for a day's outing.  I had arrived early but remembered some item I had forgotten (perhaps a phone charger for the canoe) and was at odds to determine whether or not to retrieve the item because of the time.  I decided initially against it, yet the party was not to leave until our pastor arrived.  He was running late and I risked retrieving the item.  The rest of the group departed in my absence, and I was left to figure out the route alone.

I had run into what in my dream was North Minneapolis--though it resembled my small Iowa hometown moreso.  I took a back route through an alley and encountered a student that I had had while subbing.  I eventually made it into some sort of shop.  I was debating purchasing a car (canoe?) charger for my phone.  My phone battery was very low and I knew that I would be canoeing to the location alone.  I decided that I ought to make the expense in the name of safety.  I consulted with my friend and fellow-adventurer, Heather B., to figure out how to canoe from North Minneapolis to wherever the rest of the party was.  She told me about the direction of the rivers and I began to realize it was strangely similar to the rivers near Trout Lake Camp, where we had once been counselors.

I was just about to board my canoe alone when I awoke.

I think my dreaming may have been affected by my recent visit to southwest Iowa, viewing the Missouri River flooding, and also by my plans to join my church in a day on the lake.

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