Sunday, March 18, 2007

I had quite the dream last night. I was at Northwestern and the campus was a bit altered. One of the main buildings, possibly Riley or the student center, had been altered to have an extremely pointed and steep roof with excessive windows. Furthermore, Iowa was north of Minnesota. I found a newsletter of a church from years ago documenting that Alex P. was a chaperon at a church in Iowa with a bunch of people I know, including Karly H. and the like. I was extremely surprised and kept looking for Alex so I could tell him about our unknown connection. There were other strange parts of my dream, including my roommates and I trying to pass as boys.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Last night, my dream was all about parallelism. I would only do things in certain numerical units. It was strange. At one point I was in a large building that I seemed to know and was going all around. I saw Sarah and she was trying to get Ian M.'s attention in order to give him a hug. She did and then he came over to me and gave me a hug and then we were dancing. 'Twas strange. I'd gone into the room I was in to fetch my bag--one similar to the one I packed up this morning--and found five of the same around it. So I had to judge which was mine based on the contents.

Anyhow, thought I'd jot that down for y'all. Soon I'll meet Sarah for lunch, load up the car, and be on my way back to Northwestern.