Thursday, July 1, 1999


Yesterday I had a dream I was playing trench and I dove up to the dungeon line and they got me out.  What does this mean and why did I do it?

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.


Once I had a dream that Sam H., Jamy M., + Alex M. were all going to ask me out I have no clue why.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Asking out Sam

Once I had a dream that all of my friends and I were going to ask out Sam H.  And I have no clue why.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

1999 Mall

Once I had a dream that my class went shopping and on our way out Sam Hammes came up to me and put his arm around my shoulders and kept it there in front of all of his and my friends until the dream was over (why do I dream of S.H. so much?)

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

trucks library books

Once I had ad ream that I was in my yard (in the past) but there were these big blue trucks parked outside on the west side of my house and there was a library with a little bit of books and Jessie was there, And she was trying to run me over in one of the blue trucks.  I was freaked completely.  Finally a guy walks up to her and says “hey your using our special trucks, don’t”.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

"ghost" window

Once I had a dream I was in a strange dream (like any aren’t) that I was in a funeral home and I kept on seeing a “ghost” in every window I turned to.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

spin the bottle

Once I had a dream that I was playing Spin the bottle and I had to kiss, Sam Hammes.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.


Once I had a dream that I was eating one of hopes grasshopper cookies, and I didn’t even get in trouble.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.


Once I had a dream that I was eating crackers and when I woke up I was made because I was hungry.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Naked Boys

Once I dreamt I was in a bathroom with naked boys and I saw Alex M.  I didn’t look down I just screamed and ran.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Library/4th of July

 Once I had a dream it was the 4th of July and I was at the library and saw a man walk in and he was singing the national anthum.  That’s all I remember.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

'99 Veggie tales

Once I had a dream that my friends and I were playing a game where we would each say we were a veggie tales character + I was Larry Jessica would try to get us I was Larry + Kristi + Kristin were Junior.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Moved to California

Once I had a dream I was moving to California and was packing.  I didn’t mind I was perty exited.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Driving the porcshe 99

Once I had a dream I was driving grandpas porche and Hope pulled me over in the oldsmobile and I told her no one cared but she did majorly!

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Summer 99 Swimming pool Adam + Kristin

Once I had a dream I was at the swimming pool again and Adam was there and so was Kristin.  The lifeguard made a new rule that if you dunk someone they have a clipboard and mark it off once they dunk you back.  And Adam Dunked me so I dunked him back and checked it off and gave Kristin the clipboard.
The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

'99 Computers

Once I had a dream that Faith, Jon, and I were playing a “cool” computer game itw as weird because you had to guess the sign Jon was so good at it he became a thing and then we took these pictures.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

'99 Holucost

Once I had a dream  that I was with Sarah and a few other people and it was a holucost we were in Roland and we were the Jews and the Africans were the Natzys.  We were hiding and I had my pink blanket with me and an African found us he pointed at a few of us to get in a line I was the last one.  In line I was afraid because he was giving shots to kill us I was up and I took the shot tubes from him and ran.  Next I found my student Teacher, Mr. Hill and he told my friends and I that we could go to france and exscape so we went east and thought of frenche names and went to the circus there Alex M. started to be nice to me and in my act I had to fight a boy and I always won.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Buried Body (kristi)

Once I had a dream that I was with Kristi m. in the Roland Park and we were digging and we found a weird skeleton we wanted to find out who it was but we couldn’t because the next day the hole was filled and Caroline took a rock and was writing on my skin with it and it bled.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Golf course sign

Once I had a dream that I was with Jonathan in the car because he was driving me and he crashed into the “Riverbend Golfcourse” sign and behind it were beautiful houses with rose gardens and basketball courts.  The next day at school all of my classmates in 4SS were chanting “Save the sign, Save the sign.” over and over again I was talking to my friends and said C “I know who wrecked the sign.”
F “who”
C “My brother and I.”
And this huge riot began.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Golf Course

Once I had a dream that I was golfing in the rain but there was no way to get to the next hole!  So we got onto a bus and went to a creek and found artifacts.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.

Alex M. + I (Des Moines)

Once I had a dream I was at the elementary school with A. M and the teacher told Alex and I that I had to go to Des Moines I don’t know why.  So he took me to his red convertible I said “youre too young to drive” so we got our bikes and went to the forest.  Soon we got lost so SARAH got a map for us and we made it to Des moines we didn’t even know why we had to go.

The End

*This entry was transcribed form my childhood dream journal.  As much as possible I tried to leave spelling/grammar/punctuation as I wrote it in my journal.  Note that a common error was leaving out periods, thus stringing multiple sentences together.  Very few entries have specific dates, but all seem to have been recorded in 1999.  Those that didn’t specify dates, I dated June 1, 1999 or July 1, 1999.