Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Last night I dreamed that I met Reed's parents.  We were in some indoor place decorated to look outdoor and he walked up with his parents (remember that Reed's dad wrote Peace Like a River).  I was so excited to talk to his dad about Peace Like a River because Reed had briefly left to grab something, however, before I knew it, both of his parents had grabbed me in a group hug.

What is it with my dreams being about people I admire and close physical proximity?  In my dream with Ghandi the other night, we were sitting right next to each other in an office that had abundantly more seating.  In my dreams it seems like the first meeting and yet there is already an established relationship.  Bizarre!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mom version of a "Jon Dream"

Well, I got up early today to do some homework, and should be doing that, but I had to write down my dream.  When I got up to shut off my alarm, I thought it was part of my dream.  Suddenly, I was in a king sized bed which included mounds upon mounds of comforters and amazement.  In my dream my mother had tucked me in.  This was strange, because the way the dream went, it was like a Jon dream.  A Jon dream is a dream where Jon is suddenly alive again.  That's how this dream was, only my mother is still alive.  I don't know if it was that she was healthy in my dream or what, but it was rather bizarre.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Antagonistic Self

When I arrived home (12:15 AM-ish) and had readied to sleep (1-something-ish), I settled into a deep and disturbing sleep. It was interrupted by me apparantly shouting at Tiffany "Won't you shut up!" Anyhow, this probably altered my mindset, for I had an unusual dream.

(Let me preface this by saying that when I woke, I was ashamed of myself and later relieved that it was not a real occurance.)

In the dream, I had become extremely antagonistic towards everyone on campus. While at a gas station, I conceived the notion to tackle my annoyance at my roommates wanting to take the shuttle--even though it wasn't running--by stealing a HUGE police car. More like truck, ginormous truck.

Dorene, Tiffany, and Tomas (pronounced TOE-mash) boarded it with a candy red coffin stuffed with contraband. We drove around, settled at the mall and made a run for it. Tiffany and Dorene receded to their mother's home there, Tomas ran off, and I left. I encountered the coffin outside with a garage sale-looking plethora of items. I helped a man load it into his car, which became a boat, which he took to sea to sail to the old country.

Later, Seth and I met up and joy-ride-ed in another huge police truck with the top down. We parked it in front of a clinic and walked off.

Muhl. I'm not feeling eloquent today. I think a nap and subsequent library visit are in order.
