Thursday, July 28, 2011

I played a Mermaid in The Tempest

In one part of my dream, the singles were supposed to get together from my church.  I made it out to the location, and apparently Shea was back from deployment and was leading some activity.  It looked like some military exercise/drill.  I came over and made mention that it was no longer a men’s only ministry.  He had missed this development while he was gone, however, I was the one who had to leave.

There was then some portion in which I was biking . . .

Before I knew it I was back at the high school where I student taught, only my classroom was in the unfinished basement of the house where I grew up.    Along one wall there were books after books along with movies—both DVD and VHS.  There was a very strong sense that the students knew I didn’t know what I was doing.  So, I began just organizing the books and DVDs.  I then realized I had some sort of honors course.  The overwhelming sense that I had was that I was incompetent and all my students knew it.

Class was dismissed (or something)  and the students were called to the auditorium.  There was a pool on the stage, and apparently there was going to be a performance of a play that I was in.  The play was apparently Shakespeare’s The Tempest.  (I’ve never actually read/seen this play, but apparently that’s what it was supposed to be, even if the following isn’t an accurate description.)

I was supposed t o be some sort of mermaid.  I had on some blue sequined swimsuit, and the beginning of the play was just me swimming around on the stage.  Later a Viking boat entered, and Jason Z was on it.  He was some character I was supposed to seduce, so I think I feigned drowning or something.   So, suffice it to say that not much plot was developed while I was on stage—I mostly just swam about.  The play was some sort of fund raiser for school, so they had a free-will donation among the students and one student busted out a rather large wad of cash.  This I witnessed while I exited the stage during intermission.  When I walked down the stairs, I dripped water all over the carpet, which caused a judgmental look to emerge from a student named Collen, who looked like a nerdy student of European-American origin, but who had a Japanese accent.

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