Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back to Work

It's hard to describe last night's dreams; it was as if my dreams were waking me up--and that was it.  My dream was that I was being woken up and I was being woken up.  This happened a little after 4 AM, then 5 AM, then I woke from an actual narrative.

One of which included me going to a morning shift at work (at the healthcare job).  Typically I work the 2-10 or 3-11, but I was working the 6-2.  I got there and realized it was a day one of the residents had to go to day program, so I immediately began getting him ready to go.  I ended up getting distracted by some things and was suddenly overwhelmed by all the staff that was there.  Apparently random employees of the company came over just to hang out in between things.  I found the other staff that was working and wondered if she had given the resident his breakfast and pills before he got on the bus.  At some point the house transformed into the house I grew up in.  I looked at the driveway and he was getting into the bus.  On my way out, I had noticed his meds were prepped but not yet given.

I then talked to Mai--the other staff--to see if she had given the medications or not.  My supervisor was around and talking so I remember talking to her.  Much of this part of the dream was the frustration that I was trying to get things done but was unable to really do anything.

At some point I walked out to the driveway--perhaps to go home--and I met three of our neighbors, two males and one female.  They were all African, and were around the same age as I was.  They said they had never met anyone who lived in the house.  So I introduced myself and we talked for a while, and one of them pulled out his camera and randomly began photographing our introduction.

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