Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Time Travel

Last night's dream landed me back in my freshman year of college.  I was aware, however, that I was somehow back in time, reliving an experience.  I was in the dorm of Matthew S--who did not go to my college.  We were chatting as he was screwing together his bunk bed.  His roommate was asleep on the bed below as he put it together.  I was wondering about all the noise of people settling in that I was hearing even though it was early morning and many were sleeping.  At one point Matthew stepped out to do something, and I pretended to sleep on his floor so his roommate wouldn't be completely surprised if he saw me (why sleeping would help is beyond me).  Before I knew it I was looking at Matthew's facebook pictures and found some of me wearing a bright red dress.  Apparently my old RA Betsy had taken the pictures or my roommates had taken the pictures in our room.

Before I knew it I was transported to a wedding.  While walking toward the wedding I saw a crowd of people--sitting in folding chairs--around a trampoline.  Claudia--Matt and Lynette's baby--was crawling on the trampoline.  I saw her and realized it had been a while since I had seen her, so I went and oohed and awed over her.  I looked at the surrounding adults and realized I knew not a one.  Then one woman began speaking with me and asked me if I knew who Barbara Kruger was (she's an artist).  I nodded and the woman pointed out some individual with the last name "Horner" and apparently that person was Barbara Kruger's sister.  I stored this knowledge away and continued on towards the wedding.

We were suddenly in a hotel headed to a ballroom.  I had lost my group of friends, so even though I entered in early enough to have my choice of seats, I was insecure in which would be preferable to my friends.  I tried to remember (since I was apparently reliving the past), where we had sat before at the wedding.

At some point in my dream  was also at a very regal looking campus library.  There were some other people--middle age adults--looking around and admiring the views of the particular floors.  Then I was back in a class.  Luke was the professor and he kept time very ill.  The bell rang while he was yet talking.  We talked about him writing passes, and he did on plastic baggies filled with something--food, maybe?  However, I had another class with him, so the pass seemed a bit nonsensical.

Next I knew I was visiting my sister Faith.  Yet when I entered her house, it looked completely different, and I realized it was an exact replica of a place in which she used to live.  I spent a while at the door gaping at the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. So which place did my house transform into? The MN one, or the campus housing, or even an old apartment? I'm curious. ;)
