Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Colorado Engagements

Last night had me on a road trip to Colorado with Heather W.  We went out to see her family.  Colorado looked more like lush green foothills in Switzerland.  There were two trees in her yard which were connected by a rope.  On the rope where miniature houses.  Below was a stream or river.  I climbed across the rope, and by the time I got to the opposite side, it was decided that I would marry Heather's younger brother who was actually older than her.

At some point her family came home, including her three "younger" brothers and her sister.  Her mother had cooked up all sorts of delicious treats, including a surprise pot pie that Heather and her sister were supposed to take home with them.  It was "surprise" because no one knew what was in it.  The entire time at her family's place was spent outside in the lush greenery, throwing around balls, running, and swimming.  There was a treehouse or something like out in the water, which we had to swing or swim to.

The next thing I knew I was with Cassie S. in a car trying to get to a particular eating establishment.  I tried to tell her it was by the "Grove Cafe"--which is in Iowa, I think I meant the Aster Cafe--and she disagreed with me.  Finally we found wherever we were going, but we had to meander through endless twists and turns of that partition tape/ribbon stuff they use at movie theaters.  We were still waiting to get somewhere when I awoke.

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