Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Female Fight Club

Last night's dream began with me driving to my childhood home in Iowa.  The home was simultaneously the group home that I worked for.  I went in for the 7 AM to 3 PM shift and continuously checked my watch to make sure my timing was okay.  While I approached the house, I saw a lot of cars parked there and saw that one of my cars was parked parallel along the curb, whereas all the other cars were parked perpendicular.  I thought I ought to repark it, but there was a green astrostar van that prevented me from being able to move the car at all.  Nearby  a police car was pulled over and a policeman was questioning someone.  Because of this, i was extra careful with my driving.  When I parked, I went to see whether there wasn't anything to be done about the Grand Am.

The police officer approached me, and before I knew it we were talking inside of my or his car.  He was a handsome police officer, and I was a little taken aback when he asked me out for that evening.  I agreed to it, and he told me where to meet him.  I went into work, and most of my time was spent at a sink, defrosting red meat.  That evening, I drove to meet him (the city I drove through looked like Minneapolis) and it was an old-fashioned movie theatre.  Somehow throughout it all I realized that before each feature there was a fight between two women.  It was sort of an underground fight club.  I arrived and saw him speaking with an Englishwoman--the three of us were all quite tall.  I told him that I'd thought about it and decided I ought to go home.  The other two agreed and, with her urging me to find a longer tshirt to wear, I departed.

Somehow, I ended up at the same location the next night, and found myself in the company of Ryan V. and some other female.  It was understood that I was actually going to fight in the fight club deal that night.  We waited outside, and I looked up at an old multi-story building. There were ragged banners outside displaying the films.  Once inside, I was brought to a stage and there were three females to a group.  Mine included Brittany M.  However, it was not a fight that occurred.  Some music played, and the three of us did an interpretive dance of a fight, with other groups of dancers also performing on the stage till it was quite crowded.  Apparently my performance was convincing, because at one point, Brittany thought I had actually died.

Much of the rest of the dream is fuzzy, but I do remember running into Jimmy at some point.

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