Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lab, Concert, Forest

Lately my dreams have been less surreal, and more including random people I know. This may be because I am so far away from you all. Well, here's the dream from last night...

It began in a science lab set in a library. I had the feeling I was at Northwestern, but I didn't recognize anyone. There was a guy there who seemed familiar.

Next Scene: Reed's apartment (apparently I can see into the future). I was recounting the event, and Reed told me that the person I recognized was one of the band members from the concert we had seen in Rome.

My dream then did a flashback to the aforesaid concert. However, this concert was in the midst of a forest of birch trees. As my memory recalled the concert, I realized the guy in the lab was the bassist on stage left.

Then Reed and I proceeded to walk from the forest. Before me was a brown paneled wall which had two vertical columns of black and white photographs. These were various pictures of Josef B's face (and long locks of hair) and had been taken in that very forest.

Before me were those photographs having been compiled into a single frame. It was an abstracted mass of vertical lines in pastel/neon coloration. Reed and I then discussed my colorful composition. I think I then ran into Josef as I continued to exit the forest along with all the concert goers.

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