Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Sunday night my dream took place in two different Northwestern buildings connected by Ames' Grand Avenue. In one building I began to shave my head. I don't know why, somehow I thought it would look amazing.

In the midst of my head shaving, I had to go to the other building. My head was about 1/6th shaved, and I combed over the rest obnoxiously. When I got back to the aforementioned building, Caitlin M. was waiting there for me. Apparently I was to shave her head too.

However, in the gap of time I realized that I looked absolutely awful with a shaved head. But what was I to do with having a very noticable portion gone? Well, my brain had already come up with an answer. An answer that could actually be accessed in real life. I was going to knit a bunch of wigs for myself. In fact this very pattern came to mind: http://knitty.com/ISSUEfall04/PATThallowig.html

(I don't know Caitlin, maybe it's a premonition of next year...)

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