Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Camping Trips and Large Fish

I dreamed like crazy last night.

It began in a national park in northern Minnesota. It was Hope, Nathan C., myself and scattered others. I said I was going to go into this river with a lot of birds in it. So I hiked in and started looking at the animals. I stopped just before a bend in the river.

As I looked on, a giant fish, about 10 feet tall and only submerged about 2 feet in the water "swam" towards me.

I fumbled with my camera to get a picture and cranked out a ton. Then a dinosaur came and I wondered if it and the previous fish were fake.

I rejoined my family and was surprised by some shots of a lizard that I got. Apparently these were super-fast lizards and the only reason I had photos of them was that I was trying to take a picture of a frog while they were running by.

We then went home and Hope was upset because Nate (though I always call him Nathan) was interested in me. He asked me out on a date to go back to the park. I was back in Iowa getting ready and thinking I had to mapquest directions, then realizing that he was driving.

As I was waiting in the foyer, Reed was talking to me, "Okay, explain this to me again. In that picture there's a brother; in this picture, it's just you and your sisters."

I replied, "Reed I've told you multiple times; he died."

I then went to take my bag out to the car. Instead of finding Nate, I found Dustin St.--who's on NWC's golf team. I wasn't too disappointed. He was driving one of those beasts that has way too much room in the back. He was surprised to see me with one bag, when piled before me were bags and bags and boxes and metal sound equipment crates. He remarked, "I was super excited, and I had to wait so long that I guess I overpacked."

It turned out okay, because I didn't know we were going to camp there for multiple nights and I hadn't brought a sleeping bag.

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