Saturday, January 20, 2007

Breakfast in Bed

This morning, having fallen asleep at 2:30 AM, I slept in to 11 AM (getting a solid 8.5 hours of sleep). Dorene had been banging around in the kitchen, which had effected my last dream. Reaching consciousness, I recounted the dream to Dorene:

She had been making muffins in the kitchen and needed more or help, so I jumped out of bed and got out my muffin mix. I added milk and she insisted that I not make mini muffins. I complied, but was heartbroken. I then realized that the mix required egg, which was still in a one cup measuring cup. We then began showing each other senior pictures. One of mine had my face in front of the courtyard at Northwestern. I wondered how I took my senior picture there. As we were talking, Dorene made a statement implying that all of the Old Testament apocryphal books rhymed. I negated her comment and began to speak on the apocryphal books, then branched into the New Testament apocrypha and especially the Gospel of Thomas. I wanted to tell her about the 114th saying of "Jesus" in the gospel in my dream, but could not recall it. I looked to the sky to remember and saw two crows fighting....

Anyhow, while recounting the dream, Dorene brought me a powdered sugar covered waffle. She had tried to make me coffee but was confused about the coffee maker. I told her she had to press the button twice and in just a couple minutes she brought me a cup served up black. I began to drink it and soon got out of bed.

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