Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blue Hair, Blue Shirt, Used Tissues.

The dream I remember from last night began with me snoozing my alarm this morning.  While the alarm was going, I was imagining Czech words being drilled into my head.  Each beep was another word I was trying to memorize.  I recall turning over and thinking, "this isn't so bad."

Then my dream shifted and I was in my old middle school's library.  I was in a class, and I wasn't paying attention.  I missed the instructions about the homework assignment, so I went to the circulation desk to copy it from a free-standing calendar.  In order to do so I had to ask someone to move out of my way.  It was a guy I went to high school with and he had a bright blue button-up shirt on.  I had difficulty making out the words (in Waking Life [check out around minute 2:45], they would say this is a way to identify lucid dreaming). 

The class had ended and the professor walked in for the next class.  He was a professor that I recognized from my alma mater although I had never had a class from him.  Anyhow, we greeted each other and we started walking towards the table which still contained my belongings.  He asked me when the last time was that I had had undivided time with God, time of focused Bible study or prayer.  I was quite convicted.  As I went to gather my things from under my chair, everything was spilling over.  My bag was quite stuffed, and I spilled chocolate-covered nuts all over the floor.  I struggled to collect them again.  I was putting them into the plastic packaging they'd come in, only I had also stuffed used tissues in the bag, so it was quite unsanitary.  As I clumsily went along my task, I looked up and to my right and saw Lena sitting at another desk.  She had dyed a large portion of her dark hair bright blue.  It was quite becoming on her.

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